IP240x-Bxxx, IE240x Signal Connection
8 Channel Digital Output 24 VDC, Imax = 0.5 A, 8 digital inputs, 3.0 ms filter
The IP240x digital output modules connect the binary control signals from the automation unit on to the actuators at the process level. The 8 outputs handle load currents of up to 0.5 A, and indicate their status through light emitting diodes. The signals are optionally connected via 8 mm snap-on plugs (IP2400) or screw-in M8 connectors (IP2400). The outputs are short-circuit safe and protected against inverse connection. One output is located together with one input on an S8 or M8 socket.
The digital inputs acquire the binary control signals from the
process level and transmit them to the higher-level automation
unit. The signal state is indicated by means of light emitting
diodes. The signals are optionally connected via 8 mm snap-on plugs
or screw-in M8 connectors.
The sensors are supplied from the control voltage US.
The load voltage, UP, is required for the output
drivers. If UP and US are used for passing
the power on, the maximum current must not exceed 4 A.