Short-form instructions

Short-form instructions using the export functionality on V.E. variables

Procedure based on TwinCAT

  1. Export the V.E. variables from the CNC with the export command
  2. Open the export file with an editor and check for any warnings or errors. These are displayed in a text in the file.
  3. Import the export file into the existing PLC project; this requires access to the HLI
  4. Create pointers to structures
    (* Use the generated structure descriptions *)
    p_ve_chan_1 : POINTER TO VE_CHANNEL_DATA_CH_1;
  5. Cyclically update the pointers to the structures
    (* Provide pointers to structure(s) *)
    p_ve_chan_1 := ADR( pVE[1]^.addr^.AHLI_UNS32_Data);
    p_ve_globe := ADR(pVEGlob^.addr^.AHLI_UNS32_Data);
  6. Integrate read and write access to variables
    p_ve_globe^.VARIABLE_1 := 22; (*Write access*)
    gl_ar_var_3 := p_ve_globe^.VARIABLE_1; (*Read access*)