Alignment in the case of channel-specific and global data types

In terms of their structure, channel-specific and global PLC types correspond to the mapping of the CNC transfer memory. As the V.E. variable description basically permits memory gaps, so-called filling structures (alignment) are needed in the PLC type declaration. The filling structures are generated automatically during the export. Their identifiers begin with an "f" followed by a serial number, e.g. f1 : ARRAY[0..17] OF BYTE. An additional comment identifies the filling elements.

Programming example

    Kopf_SP: ARRAY[0..2] OF INT;
    f1:ARRAY[0..17] OF BYTE; (* Alignment *)
    Kopf_AL: ARRAY[0..2] OF INT;
    f2:ARRAY[0..17] OF BYTE; (* Alignment *)
    Kopf_MPB_N: ARRAY[0..2] OF INT;
    f3:ARRAY[0..17] OF BYTE; (* Alignment *)
    Kopf_MPB_S: ARRAY[0..2] OF INT;