Section 2: type declaration from the V.E. variable list

All separate data types declared in a V.E. variable list are entered in Section 2 of the export file. The write operation itself is controlled via a sort algorithm to avoid "forward declarations".

Programming example

The "Position_and_Index" type contains an element of the "Position_in_Space" type.

VE declaration:

struct[1].name Position_in_Space
struct[1].element[0].name POffsX
struct[1].element[0].type REAL64
struct[1].element[1].name POffsY
struct[1].element[1].type REAL64
struct[1].element[2].name POffsZ
struct[1].element[2].type REAL64
struct[2].name Position_and_Index
struct[2].element[0].name Index
struct[?].element[0].type SGN32
struct[2].element[1].name Pos
struct[?].element[1].type Position_in_Space;

The following is created in the export file

TYPE Position_in_Space:
    POffsX: LREAL;
    POffsY: LREAL;
    POffsZ: LREAL;
TYPE Position_and_Index:
    Index: INT;
    Pos: Position_in_Space;