Special case: STRING arrays
In the case of STRING arrays, the var[?].size parameter must be assigned the following values:
Parameter setting | Value of the size parameter in the case of STRING field variables |
use_extended_string_var = 0 | var[?].size = 24 |
use_extended_string_var = 1 | var[?}.size = 128 |
There are three variables, TEXT_1, TEXT_2 and TEXT_3 that (partly) correspond to arrays. If use_extended_string_var = 0 applies, the following results for the respectively required index attribute:
Identifier | Array_ | size | Index | Note |
V.E. | 3 | 24 | 0 | Required number = 3*24/24 = 3 |
V.E. | 4 | 24 | 3 | Required number = 4*24/24 = 4 |
V.E. | 0 | 24 | 7 | Required number = 1*24/24 = 1 |
If use_extended_string_var = 1 is chosen, this results in the following picture:
Identifier | Array_ | size | Index | Note |
V.E. | 3 | 128 | 0 | Required number = 3*128/24 = 16 |
V.E. | 4 | 128 | 16 | Required number = 4*128/24 = 22 (21,3) |
V.E. | 0 | 128 | 38 | Required number = 1*128/24 = 6 (5.3) |