Explanations concerning measuring devices

Practice-orientated hints on the specific use of cable measuring devices are given below.

Explanations concerning measuring devices 1:

Changing the settings

A product from a third party manufacturer is described in the following chapter. The respective operating manual is to be given priority. The data given below for the measuring device settings were valid at the time of preparing this documentation – it is possible, however, that the manufacturer of the measuring device may have changed the firmware/program user interface at short notice. The notes below should be considered to be supplementary to the manufacturer’s own operating manual.

Fluke DTX1800

Device tested: Fluke DTX1800, year of manufacture 2008, software 2.1200, hardware 12, DTX limits 1.3400.

The following settings need to be made on this cable certifier before the test commences:

In EtherCAT applications, a normal test object (CuT – Cable under Test) can be accepted as follows:

The following settings have proven to be standard-compliant and usable for the certification of a (possibly field-configured) Ethernet-EtherCAT cable section:

Explanations concerning measuring devices 2:
Fluke DTX1800 screenshots
Explanations concerning measuring devices 3:

Detection of interference

In the operating mode ‘Monitor’, the DTX1800 can detect interspersed interference on the transmission link. To do this, the link must be taken out of operation and a test device connected at both ends.