Version identification of EJ moduls
Product group | Example | ||
Product designation | Version | Revision | |
EtherCAT Coupler | EJ1101 | -0022 | -0016 |
Digital input modules | EJ1008 | -0000 | -0017 |
Digital output modules | EJ2521 | -0224 | -0016 |
Analog input modules | EJ3318 | -0000 | -0017 |
Analog output modules | EJ4134 | -0000 | -0019 |
Special function modules | EJ6224 | -0090 | -0016 |
Motion modules | EJ7211 | -9414 | -0029 |
A Beckhoff EtherCAT device has a 14-digit technical designation, made up as follows (e.g. EJ1008-0000-0017)
- Order identifier
- family key: EJ
- product designation: The first digit of product designation is used for assignment to a product group (e.g. EJ2xxx = digital output module).
- Version number: The four digit version number identifies different product variants.
- Revision number:
It is incremented when changes are made to the product.
The Order identifier and the revision number are printed on the side of EtherCAT plug-in modules (s. following illustration (A and B).

- The elements mentioned above result in the technical designation. EJ1008-0000-0017 is used in the example below.
- EJ1008-0000 is the order identifier, in the case of “-0000” usually abbreviated to EJ1008.
- The revision -0017 shows the technical progress, such as the extension of features with regard to the EtherCAT communication, and is managed by Beckhoff.
In principle, a device with a higher revision can replace a device with a lower revision, unless specified otherwise, e.g. in the documentation.
Associated and synonymous with each revision there is usually a description (ESI, EtherCAT Slave Information) in the form of an XML file, which is available for download from the Beckhoff web site. - The product designation, version and revision are read as decimal numbers, even if they are technically saved in hexadecimal.
Serial number
The serial number for EtherCAT plug-in modules is usually the 8-digit number printed on the side of the module (see following illustration C). The serial number indicates the configuration in delivery state and therefore refers to a whole production batch, without distinguishing the individual modules of a batch.

Serial number | Example serial number: 08 15 08 16 |
KK - week of production (CW, calendar week) | 08 - week of production: 08 |
YY - year of production | 15 - year of production: 2015 |
FF - firmware version | 08 -f irmware version: 08 |
HH - hardware version | 16 - hardware version: 16 |