
The Memory dialog enables the user to read data from the memory (DPRAM) of the EtherCAT slave controller or save them there. The list below shows the memory of the EtherCAT slave controller. The Start Offset corresponds to the value entered in the Start Offset box. Each entry shows a register (2 bytes). If the System Manager knows a description for a register, it is displayed next to the Offset. To change a register value, enter the required value in column Dec, Hex or Char. Once the value has been changed it is shown in red, and the Write button is activated. You can now click the Write button to transfer the modified values to the EtherCAT slave.

Memory 1:
Advanced Settings: "Memory" dialog

Start Offset

Start address (hexadecimal) of first register to be displayed in the list.


Length (hexadecimal) of the data to be displayed in bytes. The maximum permitted length is 0400hex (1024dec).

Working Counter

If the master succeeded in writing to or reading from the slave, the working counter is 1, otherwise the working counter is 0.

Auto Reload

Here you can activate cyclic reading of the memory (default: inactive).

Compact View

Here you can specify that only those parameter are displayed, for which the System Manager has a description (default: not active).


Reads the current values from the EtherCAT slave.


Saves modified values (shown in red) in the EtherCAT slave.