
Addressing and identification

At present three different methods are defined for the explicit identification of Hot Connect stations:

Addressing 1:

Addressing method

In general the ESI file belonging to the EtherCAT device contains the information regarding which addressing methods the slave supports. This is displayed in TwinCAT System Manager -> EtherCAT Slave -> Advanced Settings and in general should not be changed by the user.
See Fig. (Default setting of an EtherCAT slave that supports the DataWord identification mode) Exception: The SSA identification mode is possible in every slave that has an ESC EEPROM (refer to the manufacturer's notes). Beckhoff EtherCAT terminals/boxes usually have an EEPROM.

Addressing 2:
Default setting of an EtherCAT slave that supports the DataWord identification mode

All EtherCAT slaves are always initially addressed via the auto-increment procedure, after which the EtherCAT master attempts to find the configured station addresses in the field and assign them to the stations/couplers. To this end the outgoing port is opened and closed specifically for the purpose of determining the IDs.

Address allocation in the slave

Explicit Device Identification

The ID setting is to be carried out according to the device manual.


As a rule, a selector switch accessible from the outside on such slaves allows the position to be set; the selection switch can be sealable or protected via a software mechanism. Other devices offer a user interface which allows ID setting.

Sample: Beckhoff EK1101 - free accessibility of the ID switch

Addressing 3:
EK1101 with ID switch


The SSA can be set by the master or via a user interface on the slave. The procedure for setting via the Beckhoff TwinCAT master is described below:

Addressing 4:
setting the SSA

You can check whether the slave has accepted the address as follows:

Proceed in the same dialog to Memory and check the contents of register 0x0012.

Addressing 5:
Checking the SSA

If nothing is displayed:

Note about TwinCAT 2.11

The setting dialog for the SSA was slightly changed in TwinCAT 2.11, but retains the same properties.

Addressing 6:
Setting SSA under TwinCAT 2.11

Compatible Beckhoff devices

In general, every EtherCAT slave can be assigned a Hot Connect address, regardless of whether it is an IO terminal, a drive or a module of couplers and terminals.

Addressing 7:

Hot Connect capability

Check whether the EtherCAT slave you are using is Hot Connect-capable. Beckhoff slaves currently support the function as follows (as of May 2012): (see following table)




Explicit Device Identification


from HW18



EK1101, EK1501, EK1101-0080





from HW09



EL terminals

In general yes for most series from an XML version xxxx-xxxx-0016



EP boxes

In general yes for most series from an XML version xxxx-xxxx-0016









see documentation

see documentation