Filter mode (FIR and IIR)
The EPP3752-0000 is equipped with digital filters which, depending on their settings, can adopt the characteristics of a Finite Impulse Response filter (FIR filter), or of an Infinite Impulse Response filter (IIR-Filter). The filters are deactivated by default. The activation takes place
- individually for each channel via the indices 0x80n0:06 from Firmware 02.
- centrally via the 1st channel (index 0x8000:06) with Firmware 01.
The filter characteristic is selected individually for each channel via the indices 0x80n0:15 "Filter Settings":
The mean value of the last 32 measurements is calculated. The internal sampling rate (time interval between the individual measured values) can be parameterized via index 0xF800:0D "Filter sampling rate".
The filter with IIR characteristic can be set to one of 8 levels. The higher the level, the higher the attenuation of the present signal by the filter. The internal sampling rate can be set via index 0xF800:0D "Filter sampling rate" (unlike other analog boxes in which a fixed cycle time of 1 ms is specified).
Setting of the internal sampling rate via index 0xF800:0D
The internal sampling rate with filters switched on is set via the index 0xF800:0D. On delivery this is set to 1000 Hz.
Changing the update rate at 2000 Hz and 5000 Hz The resolution is reduced to 8-bit if the rate is increased to 2500 Hz or 5000 Hz. This is necessary due to the sensors used. |