
Introduction 1:

4-channel analog input thermocouple

The EPP3314 EtherCAT P Box with analog inputs permits four thermocouples to be directly connected. The module’s circuit can operate thermocouple sensors using the 2-wire technique. Linearisation over the full temperature range is realised with the aid of a microprocessor. The temperature range can be selected freely. The error LEDs indicate a broken wire. Compensation for the cold junction is made through a temperature measurement in the connecting plugs. This means that standard extension leads can be connected. The EPP3314 can also be used for mV measurement.

The module is quite versatile, but the default values are selected in such a way that in most cases it is not necessary to perform configuration. The input filter and associated conversion times can be set within a wide range; several data output formats may be chosen. If required, the inputs can be scaled differently. Automatic limit monitoring is also available. Parameterisation is carried out via EtherCAT. The parameters are stored in the module. For the temperature compensation a Pt1000 element is needed. Beckhoff offers a connector with temperature compensation (ZS2000-3712).

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