Reset counter value via the "Latch" input

The counter value "Counter value" can be set to 0 via the input "Latch" if ModuleGroup "ENC_L_G" is selected. The "Gate" input is located at connections X03 and X07, see chapter 1 Encoder with latch and gate: "ENC_L_G" (SlotGroupĀ 1)).

The settings are made in the configuration data, so it is not necessary to reactivate them after resetting.

1. Set the CoE parameter 0x8000:02 "Enable extern reset" to TRUE to enable the function.
2. Use CoE parameter 0x8000:10 "Extern reset polarity" to specify the edge at the latch input at which the counter is to be set to zero:
0: "Fall": Falling edge.
1: "Rise": Rising edge.

There is no status message via the process data.