Basics of the "Modules/Slots" procedure

The modules/slots procedure enables simplified configuration and parameterization of multifunctional EtherCAT devices. The configuration is carried out in TwinCAT via the “Slots” tab.

Basics of the "Modules/Slots" procedure 1:
Basics of the "Modules/Slots" procedure 2:


In the chapter Selection of I/O functions you will find an example of configuration using the modules/slots method in TwinCAT.

  1. The operation mode is defined for each "SlotGroup" by assigning a maximum of one "ModuleGroup". When the "SlotGroup" is selected in the left-hand field, the "ModuleGroups" available for this "SlotGroup" with the associated "Modules" are displayed in the right-hand field.
  2. "ModuleGroups" describe the possible combinations of the individual "Modules". In this way, the configuration of invalid combinations can be excluded. The operation mode of the group is explained in short form in the "Description" section.
  3. Each "Module" has a defined "ModuleIdent" number that is fixed to an operation mode and the corresponding process data and CoE objects.
    In the "ModuleIdentList", all "ModuleIdents" of a "ModuleGroup" are displayed according to the frequency of their use (see Fig. above CNT_2xDI).
  4. Each SlotGroup must be assigned exactly one "ModuleGroup" using the "<" (assign) and "X" (remove) buttons.

The process data and the CoE objects are automatically adjusted according to the selected "ModuleGroup", in the respective SlotGroup.

The pin assignment according to the configuration is displayed in the “Product View” tab (see chapter Connection in the “Product View” tab).