Firmware 04 and higher

The principle for experimentally determining the "Mechanical to electrical ratio" is to make the motor perform one complete revolution step by step, counting the steps.
To do this, proceed as follows:

1. Ensure that the motor shaft can move freely.
2. Set "Velocity" to 0.
3. Ensure that the channel is ready ("Ready to enable" = 1).
4. Set "Enable" to 1.
One of the motor phases is powered.
You may hear a clicking noise from the roller motor.
5. Write one of the following values into parameter 0xFB00:01 "Request":
   Value 0x800A for channel 1.
   Value 0x801A for channel 2.
The motor on the corresponding channel turns one step forward.
6. Read the register FB00:02 "Response".
Byte 0 = 0: no error. Continue.
Byte 0 = 2: error. Check diagnostic bits. See chapter Diagnosis bits.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 several times until the motor has completed exactly one revolution. While doing so, count the number of steps. 1)
8. Set "Enable" to 0.
9. Divide the number of steps by 6 and enter the result in parameter 8020:13 "Mechanical to electrical ratio".

1) Hint: If you are not sure when the motor has completed a full revolution (e.g. due to backlash in the gear unit), you can allow the motor to rotate for two or more revolutions. Then divide the counted steps by the number of revolutions.