![Process data of the Automation Protocol device 1:](Images/png/16665823115__Web.png)
| - "DevState":
The Link state. Value 0 is the target state. - "DevCtrl":
Used, among other things, to suppress individual Publishers. See chapter Suppress publisher.
Publisher - "CycleIdx":
Must be incremented by the user for each transmission. See chapter Beckhoff network variables - Settings, section "Basic principles of Beckhoff network variables". - "VarData":
The data to be transmitted.
Subscriber - "Quality":
If a network variable arrives too late, "Quality" contains the measured delay. Unit: 100 µs. See also chapter Beckhoff network variables - Settings, section "Basic principles of Beckhoff network variables". - "CycleIndex":
Subscriber-side counterpart to CycleIdx. - "VarData":
Received data.