
Online diagnostics

The following objects are available for initial diagnostic in the CoE directory:

The values can be read from the controller using PLC function blocks (FB_EcCoeSdoRead in TcEtherCAT.lib).


If the EP6601-0002 receives more Ethernet frames than can be transmitted to the controller via EtherCAT, the telegrams are discarded.

Diagnostics 1:

Overrun case

In the case of an overrun, the following measures can be taken to counteract this:

  • Activating the Subscriber Filter in the EP6601-0002 concerned
  • Increasing/slowing down the cycle time of the Publisher
  • Suppressing temporarily Publisher transmission or modulo in the System Manager
  • Reducing/accelerating the EtherCAT cycle time of the Subscriber, so that more data are fetched by the EP6601-0002