Full scale value (FSV), output end value
An I/O device with analog input measures over a nominal measuring range, which is limited by an upper and a lower limit (start value and end value), which can usually already be taken from the device designation.
The range between both limits is called measuring span and corresponds to the formula (end value - start value). Analogous to pointing devices this is the measuring scale (see IEC 61131) or also the dynamic range.
For analog I/O devices from Beckhoff, the full scale value (FSV) of the respective product (also: reference value) is selected as the largest limit of the nominal measuring range and is given a positive sign. This applies to both symmetrical and asymmetrical measuring spans.

For the above examples this means:
- Measuring range 0...10 V: asymmetric unipolar, FSV = 10 V, measuring span = 10 V
- Measuring range 4...20 mA: asymmetric unipolar, FSV = 20 mA, measuring span = 16 mA
- Measuring range -200...1370 °C: asymmetric bipolar, FSV = 1370 °C, measuring span = 1570 °C
- Measuring range -10...+10 V: symmetric bipolar, FSV = 10 V, measuring span = 20 V
Depending on the functionality, an analog input channel may have a technical measuring range that exceeds the nominal measuring range, e.g. to gain more diagnostic information about the signal.
The case-by-case information in the device documentation on the behavior outside the nominal measuring range (measurement uncertainty, display value) must be observed.
The above thoughts are correspondingly applicable to analog output devices:
- The full scale value (FSV) becomes the output end value
- Here, too, there can be a (larger) technical output range in addition to the nominal output range