Documentation issue statusVersionComment1.5Chapter “Electronic access to the BIC (eBIC)” addedUpdate Technical dataUpdate chapter “Application examples”Chapter “Disposal” addedUpdate Revision statusUpdate structure1.4New front pateUpdate revision statusUpdate structure1.3Update chapter “UL notice”Update chapter “Firmware compatibility”Update structure1.2Update chapter "Notes on the documentation"Update chapter "Technical data"Addenda chapter "Instructions for ESD protection"Chapter “Analog technical notices - specifications” replaced by chapter “Notices on analog specifications”Addenda chapter "UL notice"Update revision status1.1EM3712 addedUpdate title pageAddenda temperature coefficient in chapter "Analog technical notices - specifications"Update chapter "EtherCAT AL Status Codes"Update chapter "TwinCAT 2.1x" -> "TwinCAT Development Environment""TwinCAT Quick Start" added1.0Documentation recreated