ELM3102-01x0 - Introduction

2 channel analog input terminal ±60 V…±20 mV, -20/0/+4…+20 mA, 24 bit, 20 ksps, 2 pole push-in
The EtherCAT terminals from the ELM3xxx series were developed in order to enable the high-quality measurement of common electrical signals in the industrial environment. Flexibly usable measurement devices are especially useful in laboratory and testing technology environments. Therefore the ELM3102‑0100 multifunction terminal feature two channels that can be set to 17 different measuring ranges of 2-wire connection: to voltages of ±60 V to ±20 mV and current ±20 mA. Thus, electrical measuring tasks for voltage and current can be solved with just a single terminal. The two channels are not only independently adjustable as in all ELM3xxx terminals, but also galvanically isolated from each other and from the EtherCAT bus.
The measuring range is selected in the CoE, as are the other setting options such as the filter parameters. Irrespective of the signal configuration, all ELM3xxx terminals have the same technological properties. The ELM3102‑0100 terminal for voltage/ current measurement offers a maximum sampling rate of 20,000 samples per second for each channel. The 2-pin plug (push-in) can be removed for maintenance purposes without releasing the individual wires.
Optional calibration certificate:
- external calibrated (ISO17025 or DAkks) as ELM3102-0130: on request
- Re-calibration service via the Beckhoff service: on request