Product description

With EtherCAT switching output terminals with various switching technologies, digital or analog signals can be simply distributed through the opening and closing of electrical connection in a system-integrated manner. This method is sometimes used when several sensor signals are to be evaluated by a central analog input for reasons of cost or to simplify the circuit technology, i.e. a 1:n circuit. The n sensor lines are then fed to the central analog input one after the other in a defined rhythm, the so-called multiplex method. Below, an example is shown in which 16 vibration sensors are fed to two IEPE inputs:

Product description 1:
Multiplex example 16 to 2 channels with ELM2644 and ELM3602

The multiplex method can also be used on output potentials, i.e. an analog output can be distributed to several actuators in succession. In addition

A recognizable disadvantage of this method is obvious and also determines the usage possibility: access to all sources is not continuously available. The application must allow a source to only be intermittently accessed. However, if a 1:1 connection of the signal sources with corresponding analog inputs is not necessary and the signals are given the necessary time to settle and stabilize after switching over, the multiplex method can often be the right solution in order to gain considerable space and cost advantages.

In relation to analog signals, the devices described in this documentation considerably extend the usage possibilities for standard and precision analog technology and enable:

Depending on

  1. the number of sources,
  2. the number of lines to be switched (six for 6-wire full bridge anyhow) and
  3. the number of analog inputs available,

the limit from when a multiplexer solution causes less costs and space requirements can be inferred. The higher the second number of lines to be switched, the more the switching effort increases and the later the use of a multiplexer is worthwhile – with a 2 or 3-wire circuit, the use of a multiplexer is already worthwhile very early on.

Hint: the series connection of multiplexers (multiplicative use)

Product description 2:,

requires more switches than the pure concatenation (additive use)

Product description 3:,

which is possible with the devices mentioned here, since the individual switches are NO (normally open, thus de-energized open).

Overview of the properties of the terminals in this documentation

The multiplex terminals


The multi-channel acquisition and ranking of analog signals, as well as the flexible switchover of various test states in production-integrated test stations, is easily possible through the integration of the often necessary changeover switches into the EtherCAT system.