Current ("AO_1xC") - Output ranges and scaling type (0x682199)

1. Set the output range via index 0x80BD:11 "Output type".
(see table "Output ranges and scaling type")
2. Select the scaling type via index 0x80BD:12 "Scaler":

Scaling type

Index 0x80BD:12 "Scaler"




0x0000 (0dec)

Extended Range

Technical output range (pre-set)
This scaling type allows the nominal output range to be exceeded or undershot by approx. 7%. The technically usable range is -107% to +107% of the respective full scale value. For the "Extended Range", the PDO value ±30518 (0x7736) is defined as 100% for 16 bits.

0x0003 (3dec)

Legacy Range

Nominal output range
This scaling type shows the range from -100% to +100%, where
+100% corresponds to +32767
-100% corresponds to -32768.

This results in the bit meaning with the (user-selected output range) full scale value (FSV) as follows:

Current ("AO_1xC") - Output ranges and scaling type (0x682199) 1:

Output ranges and scaling type

"Output type"

Current output ranges (module "AO_1xC" (ModuleIdent 0x682199))

Technical (Extended Range)
0x80BD:12 "Scaler" = 0x0000 (0dec)

Nominal (Legacy Range)
0x80BD:12 "Scaler" = 0x0003 (3dec)

Full scale value (FSV)

0x0012 (18dec)

0 … +21.474 mA

0 … +20 mA

20 mA

0x0013 (19dec)

0 … +21.474 mA

4 … +20 mA

20 mA

The output ranges and output range monitoring are shown graphically in the following figure.

Current ("AO_1xC") - Output ranges and scaling type (0x682199) 2:

Underrange / Overrange: The corresponding bits are set if the output value is outside the nominal output range.

Range error: The error thresholds for the error bit and the error LED can be set in Extended Range mode via index 0x80BD:17 "Low Range Error" and index 0x80BD:18 "High Range Error". The limit values of the technical output range are pre-set.

Notice Read the descriptions and notes on the status bits and on setting the error thresholds in the chapter "Output range monitoring".