Calibration and scaling

Vendor calibration, index 0x80B0:08, 0x80BF:01, 0x80BF:02

The vendor calibration is enabled in the factory setting. It can be disabled via
Index 0x80B0:08 "Enable vendor calibration".

The parameterization of the vendor calibration is carried out via the indices: 0x80BF:01 (offset vendor calibration) and 0x80BF:02 (gain vendor calibration).

Calibration and scaling 1:

Output error with disabled vendor calibration

  • If you use the user calibration, it may be a good idea to disable the vendor calibration.
  • The vendor reserves the right to carry out the basic calibration of the terminals. Therefore, the vendor calibration cannot be changed.

User calibration, index 0x80B0:07, 0x80B0:17, 0x80B0:18

The user calibration is disabled in the factory setting. It can be enabled via
Index 0x80B0:07 "Enable user calibration".

Parameterization is carried out via the indices:
0x80B0:17 (offset user calibration) and 0x80B0:18 (gain user calibration).


The user calibration affects the measuring range monitoring.

Incorrect calibration coefficients can lead to the Status bits and Status LEDs no longer behaving as expected; see Output range monitoring.

User scale, index 0x80B0:01, 0x80B0:11, 0x80B0:12

The user scale is disabled in the factory setting. It can be enabled via
index 0x80B0:01 "Enable user scale".

Parameterization is carried out via the indices:
0x80B0:11 (offset user scale and 0x80B0:12 (gain user scale).

Correction calculation

The terminal continuously accepts the setpoints from the EtherCAT process data, converts them according to the settings and passes them on to the internal DAC (digital-analog converter), which forms the electrical output signal (see Data stream).

Calibration / scaling




User scale (user calibration)

0x80B0:01 = TRUE

YSC= YS1 x AS x 2-16 + BS

YSC: Value after user scale
YS1: Value before user scale
AS: Gain user scale (0x80B0:12)
BS: Offset user scale (0x80B0:11)

Disabled (default):
0x80B0:01 = FALSE


Vendor calibration

active (default):
0x80B0:08 = TRUE

XDAC = YSC x AH x 2-16 + BH

XDAC: Output value with active vendor calibration with:
BH: Offset vendor calibration (0x80BF:01)
AH: Gain vendor calibration (0x80BF:02)

User calibration

0x80A0:07 = TRUE

XDAC = YSC x AA x 2-20 + BA

XDAC: Output value with active user calibration with:
BA: Offset user calibration (0x80B0:15)
AA: Gain user calibration (0x80B0:16)

No calibration

0x80B0:01 = FALSE,
0x80B0:08 = FALSE,
0x80A0:07 = FALSE


XDAC: Output value if vendor and user calibration are disabled.