Synchronize two PWM channels (0x202199)

When using two pulse width modulation outputs "PWM_2xOUT" (ModuleIdent 0x202199), these can be synchronized with each other. The output on channel 2 is then directly dependent on channel 1. The following settings are possible:

Desired synchronization

Specification is made on channel 1 (0x8080:09 "Channel synchronization")


0: No
No dependency from channel 2 to channel 1
Synchronize two PWM channels (0x202199) 1:

Period and duty cycle synchron

1: Ch2 = Ch1
Period and pulse-pause ratio of channel 1 are also output on channel 2, i.e. the rising/falling edges of channel 1 and channel 2 are almost identical.
Synchronize two PWM channels (0x202199) 2:

Period synchron

Duty cycle inverted

2: Ch2 = Ch1 inverted
Period of channel 1 is also applied to channel 2, the pulse-pause ratio is inverted, i.e. a rising edge of channel 1 occurs almost simultaneously with a falling edge of channel 2.
Synchronize two PWM channels (0x202199) 3:


"Channel synchronization" setting

  • If the "Channel synchronization" function is enabled or disabled in the CoE, the phase position on channel 2 is temporarily invalid (see following example).
  • The "Channel synchronization" setting is also available for channel 2, but has no effect there.


As soon as "Ch2 = Ch1" is activated (visualized here for triggering the oscilloscope by the additional channel Trig) there is a brief pause on channel 2 until the synchronization takes effect.

Synchronize two PWM channels (0x202199) 4:
Example of briefly invalid phase position when synchronization is activated