KV factors
In the NC two proportional factors Kv can be set under "Axis 1_Ctrl " in tab "Parameter". First select the position controller Type with two P constants (with KA) under the "NC Controller" tab. The two P constants are for the Standstill range and for the Moving range (see Fig. Setting the proportional factor KV). The factors can be used to set the start-up torque and the braking torque to a different value than the drive torque. The threshold value can be set directly below (Position control: Velocity threshold V dyn) between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%). Fig. Velocity ramp with KV factor limit values shows a speed ramp with thresholds of 50%. The Kv factor for Standstill (t1 and t3) can be different than the Kv factor for Moving (t2). The factor at standstill should always be greater than the factor during motion.