Extended Position mode
In Extended Position mode the EL70x7 operates in the cyclic position interface with field-oriented control. A defined position can be set via the STM Position variable.
- This operating mode can be only be used when an encoder with sufficiently high resolution (min. 4000 [INC/360°]) is connected.
- Only stepper motors from Beckhoff (AS10xx) are supported.
- TwinCAT NC is not required.
- When this mode is enabled commutation determination is required, since the shaft requires a degree of clearance. To this end the shaft moves a few degrees right and left.
Step by Step
- Add the terminal to the configuration as described in the section TwinCAT configuration settings – manual or - Online scan.
- Link the terminal with the NC as described in section Integration into the NC configuration (if TwinCAT NC is used).
- Configure the EL70x7
- automatically - import the XML motor file into the startup directory as described in section Settings in the CoE - automatic.
- manually - configure the parameters as described in section Settings in the CoE - manual.
- Set the operating mode in the CoE directory to Ext. Position mode, Fig. "Ext. Position mode".
- Under Predefined PDO Assignments select Position control, Positioning interface compact, Positioning interface or Positioning interface with info data, Fig. "Predefined PDO Assignment: Position control".
- Activate the configuration (Ctrl+Shift+F4).
- Run through the State Machine of the terminal. Here you have two options.
- If you use the TwinCAT NC.
The State Machine is run through automatically by the NC. You can enable the axis in the "Online" tab of the axis.
Tick all options and set override to 100 % (see Fig. "Enabling the axis in the NC"). The axis is then ready. - If you don’t use the TwinCAT NC.
In this case you must run through the State Machine manually. Set the variable 0x7010:01 Enable to 1 (TRUE), Fig. "Enabling the axis manually". - A defined position can be entered via the cyclic variable STM Position (Fig. "Entering the position").
This mode is only supported with AS10xx motors with corresponding 1024 INC/rev encoders. The position is specified in increments. 4096 (1024 INC/rev * 4-fold evaluation) corresponds to one full turn.