The absolute positioning represents the simplest positioning case. A position B is specified and travelled to from the start point A.

In relative positioning, the user specifies a position delta S, which is added to the current position A, producing the target position B.

The two start types “ENDLESS_PLUS” and “ENDLESS_MINUS” offer the possibility in the “Positioning interface” to specify a direct motor velocity in order to travel endlessly in the positive or negative direction with the specified accelerations.

For additive positioning, the position delta S specified by the user is added to the target position E used for the last travel command in order to calculate the target position B.
This kind of positioning resembles the relative positioning, but there is a difference. If the last travel command was completed successfully, the new target position is the same. If there was an error, however, be it that the motor entered a stall state or an “Emergency stop” was triggered, the current position is arbitrary and not foreseeable. The user now has the advantage that he can use the last target position for the calculation of the following target position.