Digital input emulation

The EL7031-0030 offers the option to use analog inputs as digital inputs. To this end, in the first step enable digital input emulation for the required analog input via index 0x8012:45 Digital input emulation 1 (for input 1) and/or index 0x8012:49 Digital input emulation 2 (for input 2) (see Figure).

Digital input emulation 1:
Enable digital input emulation

The following table shows the available functions:






Function disabled


Uin > Limit 1 (threshold)

The analog measured value is greater than limit 1


Uin > Limit 2 (threshold)

The analog measured value is greater than limit 2


Limit 1 < Uin < Limit 2 (band)

The analog measured value is greater than limit 1 and less than limit 2


Limit 2 < Uin < Limit 1 (band)

The analog measured value is greater than limit 2 and less than limit 1


Uin > Limit 1 = 1;
Uin < Limit 2 = 0

The digital input is set to ‘1’, if the measured value is greater than limit 1.
It is reset to ‘0’, if the measured value is less than limit 2.


Uin > Limit 2 = 1;
Uin < Limit 1 = 0

The digital input is set to ‘1’, if the measured value is greater than limit 2.
It is reset to ‘0’, if the measured value is less than limit 1.

Limit 1, which is required for the corresponding function, then has to be enabled via index 0x8030:07 Enable limit 1 (for input 1) or index 0x8040:07 Enable limit 1 (for input 2) and/or limit 2 via index 0x8030:08 Enable limit 2 (for input 1) or index 0x8070:08 Enable limit 2 (for input 2) (see Figure).

Digital input emulation 2:
Enable limits

Finally, the threshold value, from which the parameterized emulation switches the digital input 1 or 2 in the PDO, hast to be set for limit 1 via index 0x8030:13 Limit 1 (for input 1) or index 0x8040:13 Limit 1 (for input 2) and/or for limit 2 via index 0x8030:14 Limit 2 (for input 1) or index 0x8040:14 Limit 2 (for input 2) (see Figure).
0dec corresponds to 0 V and 32767dec corresponds to 10 V.

Digital input emulation 3:
Adjusting the threshold value for the limits

If the set threshold value is exceeded, Digital input 1 or Digital input 2 issues a high-level signal, which can be read from the cyclic process image (see Figure).

Digital input emulation 4:
Digital inputs in the process image

Digital input 1 is also the signal for the external latch in the encoder profile (“Status of external latch”).

Digital input emulation 5:
Status of external latch in the process image