EL6751 - ADS Error Codes
The ADS error codes have the following meaning:
Error | Description |
0x1001 | Insufficient memory for AMS command |
0x1101 | Incorrect data length at StartFieldbus |
0x1102 | Incorrect DeviceState at StartFieldbus |
0x1103 | Device cannot change from INIT to RUN |
0x1104 | Incorrect AdsState in INIT state |
0x1105 | Incorrect DeviceState at StopFieldbus |
0x1106 | Device cannot change from STOP to RUN if a CDL is not defined |
0x1107 | Device cannot change from STOP to RUN if a box is not defined |
0x1108 | Incorrect data length at StartDataTransfer |
0x1109 | Incorrect DeviceState at StartDataTransfer |
0x110A | Incorrect AdsState in STOP state |
0x110B | Device cannot change from RUN to INIT |
0x110C | Incorrect data length at StopDataTransfer |
0x110D | Incorrect DeviceState at StopDataTransfer |
0x1110 | Incorrect AdsState in RUN state |
0x1111 | Loading the device parameters is only permitted in the INIT state |
0x1112 | Incorrect data length at SetDeviceState |
0x1113 | AddBox not allowed in INIT state |
0x1114 | Incorrect data length at AddBox |
0x1115 | DeleteBox not allowed in INIT state |
0x1116 | Incorrect IndexOffset at DeleteBox |
0x1117 | Incorrect data length at DeleteBox |
0x1118 | ReadBox only with AdsRead |
0x1119 | AddCdl not allowed in INIT state |
0x111A | Incorrect data length at AddCdl |
0x111B | DeleteCdl not allowed in INIT state |
0x111C | Incorrect IndexOffset at DeleteCdl |
0x111D | Incorrect data length at DeleteCdl |
0x111E | Incorrect IndexGroup at AdsWrite |
0x111F | Device parameters cannot be read |
0x1120 | Box parameters cannot be read |
0x1121 | Cdl parameters cannot be read |
0x1122 | DeleteBox or DeleteCdl only with AdsWrite |
0x1123 | ReadBox only possible in STOP state |
0x1124 | Incorrect IndexOffset at ReadBox |
0x1125 | Incorrect data length at ReadBox |
0x1126 | Incorrect IndexGroup at AdsRead |
0x1127 | AddDeviceNotification not allowed in INIT state |
0x1128 | DelDeviceNotification not allowed in INIT state |
0x1129 | IndexOffset too large during reading of the device diagnostic data |
0x112B | IndexOffset too large during reading of the box diagnostic data |
0x112F | Insufficient memory for ReadBox response |
0x1201 | AddCdl: CDL no. is too large |
0x1202 | DeleteCdl only possible when CDL is stopped |
0x1203 | DeleteCdl not possible as no CDL defined |
0x1204 | Cycle could not be completed within the internal watchdog time |
Error | Description |
0x1301 | AddCdl: I/O access multiplier is too large |
0x1302 | AddCdl: Start cycle must be smaller than I/O access multiplier |
0x1303 | AddCdl: Incorrect data length for output area |
0x1304 | AddCdl: Incorrect data offset for output area |
0x1305 | AddCdl: Output area is already defined |
0x1306 | AddCdl: Incorrect data length for input area |
0x1307 | AddCdl: Incorrect data offset for input area |
0x1308 | AddCdl: Input area is already defined |
0x1309 | AddCdl: Incorrect area type |
0x130A | AddCdl: BoxNo has not been defined with AddBox |
0x130B | AddCdl: Incorrect action type |
0x130C | AddCdl: Insufficient memory for poll list |
0x130D | AddCdl: Insufficient memory for poll list array |
0x130E | AddCdl: Insufficient memory for actions |
0x130F | AddCdl: CdlNo already exists |
0x1310 | DeleteCdl: CDL is not stopped |
0x1311 | AddCdl: Insufficient memory for asynchronous transmit list |
0x1312 | AddCdl: Insufficient memory for synchronous receive list |
0x1313 | AddCdl: Insufficient memory for asynchronous receive list |
0x1316 | AddCdl: Insufficient memory for synchronous receive list |
0x1318 | AddCdl: Only slave action allowed |
0x1319 | AddCdl: Insufficient memory for slave list |
0x1601 | AddBox: BoxNo is too large |
0x1602 | AddBox: Insufficient memory for ADS StartUp telegram |
0x1604 | DeleteBox: Box is not stopped |
0x1605 | AddBox: Insufficient memory for CDL telegram |
0x1606 | AddBox: Number of CDL telegrams is too large |
0x1607 | BoxRestart: Box is not stopped |
0x1608 | BoxRestart: AdsWriteControl syntax error |
0x1609 | BoxRestart: Incorrect AdsState |
0x160A | Syntax error in AdsWrite to box port |
0x160B | AMS CmdId is not supported by box port |
0x160E | AdsReadState is not supported by box port |
0x160F | AddBox: Insufficient memory for the ADS interface |
0x1610 | AddBox: AMS channel is invalid |
0x1611 | Error communicating with an AMS box |
0x1613 | Error communicating with an AMS box: Incorrect offset |
0x1614 | Error communicating with an AMS box: Data packet is too large |
0x1615 | Error communicating with an AMS box: AMS command is too large |
0x1616 | Error communicating with an AMS box: First data packet is too large |
0x1617 | Error communicating with an AMS box: First offset is incorrect |
0x1701 | AddDeviceNotification: Length of device diagnostic data to small |
0x1702 | AddDeviceNotification: Length of device diagnostic data to large |
0x1703 | AddDeviceNotification: Length of box diagnostic data to small |
0x1704 | AddDeviceNotification: Length of box diagnostic data to large |
0x1705 | AddDeviceNotification: Box is not defined |
0x1706 | AddDeviceNotification: Incorrect IndexGroup |
0x1707 | AddDeviceNotification: No more resources for client |
0x1708 | DelDeviceNotification: Incorrect handle |
0x1801 | StartFieldbus: In equidistant operation, shift time + safety time + 2*PLL sync. time must be greater than the cycle time |
0x1802 | StartFieldbus: Cycle time is too large |
0x1803 | StartFieldbus: Cycle time is too large |
0x1804 | StartFieldbus: Shift time is too large |
0x1805 | StartFieldbus: PLL sync time is too large |
0x1806 | StartFieldbus: Safety time is too large |
0x1807 | StartFieldbus: Cycle times shorter than 1 ms must be integral divisors of 1 ms |
Error | Description |
0x1A01 | Memory could not be allocated from the huge heap, because it is larger than 0x8000 bytes |
0x1A02 | Memory could not be allocated from the near heap, because it is larger than 0x1000 bytes |
0x1A03 | Memory could not be allocated from the huge heap, because it is 0 bytes |
0x1A04 | Memory could not be allocated from the near heap, because it is 0 bytes |
0x2001 | StartFieldbus: Initialization of the CAN controller failed |
0x2002 | AddBox: Incorrect box parameter length |
0x2003 | AddBox: Incorrect box number |
0x2004 | AddBox: Syntax error in ADS StartUp parameters |
0x2005 | AddBox: Syntax errors in PDO parameters |
0x2006 | AddBox: Syntax error in data length |
0x2007 | AddBox: Insufficient memory |
0x2008 | AddCdl: Incorrect receive data length |
0x2009 | AddCdl: Incorrect transmit data length |
0x200A | AddCdl: PDO is not defined |
0x200B | AddCdl: PDO Id is already defined |
0x200C | AddBox: Syntax error in ADS StartUp parameters |
0x200D | AddBox: Syntax error in ADS StartUp parameters |
0x200E | AddBox: Emergency Id is already defined |
0x200F | AddBox: Too many PDOs defined |
0x2010 | AddCdl: Incorrect telegram index |
0x2011 | AddBox: Too many Rx or Tx PDOs |
0x2012 | AdsRead: Incorrect IndexGroup |
0x2013 | AdsRead: Incorrect IndexOffset |
0x2014 | AdsRead: Incorrect length |
0x2015 | AdsWrite: Incorrect IndexGroup |
0x2016 | AdsWrite: Incorrect IndexOffset |
0x2017 | AdsWrite: Incorrect length |
0x2018 | AddBox: Guarding time smaller than 10 is not possible |
0x2019 | AddBox: Incorrect transmission type in CAN Layer 2 node |
0x201A | AdsRead: not possible at CAN Layer 2 node |
0x201B | AdsWrite: not possible at CAN Layer 2 node |
0x201C | AddBox: BootUp Id is already defined |
0x201D | AddBox: BoxNo 0 is not possible |
0x201E | StartFieldbus: Loading the device parameters is only possible in the OFFLINE state |
0x201F | StartDataTransfer: No memory for copy queue |
0x2020 | ReadBox: no more memory |
0x2021 | ReadBox: SDO error or timeout |
0x2022 | ReadBox: SDO cannot be initialized |
0x2023 | StartFieldbus: reserved device parameter not equal to 0 |
0x2101 | Insufficient memory for low-priority queues |
0x2102 | Insufficient memory for low-priority queues |
0x2103 | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x2104 | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x2105 | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x2106 | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x2107 | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x2108 | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x2109 | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x210A | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x210B | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x210C | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x210D | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x210E | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x210F | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x2110 | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x2111 | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x2112 | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x2113 | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x2114 | Insufficient memory at node boot-up |
0x2301 | Insufficient memory for low-priority queues |
0x2302 | Insufficient memory for low-priority queues |