MC tab

Task access time (shift time)
Not relevant for EL6731.
Task access time/task cycle time
Not relevant for EL6731.
Not relevant for EL6731.
Task cycle time
Displays the cycle time of the corresponding highest priority task.
Estimated DP cycle time
Displays the expected PROFIBUS cycle time.
Set To on box
The To time can be set individually for each slave on the Prm data (text) tab of the box.
Set Ti on box
The Ti time can be set individually for each slave on the Prm data (text) tab of the box.
To time
If the checkbox Set To on box is not ticked, the To time can be set to the same value for all slaves.
Ti time
If the checkbox Set Ti on box is not ticked, the Ti time can be set to the same value for all slaves.
Estimated equi cycle time
Shows the DPV2 part of the expected PROFIBUS cycle time.
Reduced MC jitter (optional for FC/CX, selected by default for EL)
The FC/CX cycle is controlled through a local timer, which is synchronized with TwinCAT. In order to compensate the interrupt latency time (jitter of the DP cycle approx. 960 ns without compensation, approx. 320 ns with compensation), the interrupt routine always waits for a certain timer value, before the DP cycle is started. This extends the cycle by approx. 30 µs.
Calculate MC times
This button can be used to calculate all DPV2 times automatically.
Sync mode
Not relevant for EL6731; synchronization is controlled via the distributed clocks and therefore corresponds to the Sync master setting in the FC310x.
Activate DRIVECOM server
An XML file is generated for the DRIVECOM server (OPC server), through which the SimoCon U tool can access the connected 611U drives via PROFIBUS.