Sync/Freeze functionality

Sync is used for the simultaneous outputting of outputs for several slaves, Freeze is used for reading in inputs from several slaves simultaneously.

The sequence in TwinCAT with FC310x / EL6731 and Bus Couplers (in K-bus synchronous mode) would therefore be as follows (see section Synchronization):

Outputs and inputs are therefore always one cycle old.


Sync/Freeze functionality 1:
TwinCAT task, DP cycle and K-bus cycle sequence

On the FC310x/EL6731, set the Operation Mode on the "FC310x" or "EL6731" (for TwinCAT) tab of the master to "DP/MC (equidistant)". At the boxes to be operated via Sync/Freeze, click the checkbox Sync/Freeze enable on the slave's Profibus tab. The master always uses group 1 for the Sync/Freeze synchronization.