Accessing the EL6695 via TwinCAT
The context menu (right-click, then select Add New Item...) can be used to create a configuration or integrate the EL6695 bridge terminal in a TwinCAT project. Alternatively, right-click on the respective EtherCAT Device and select the Scan function from the context menu of device n (EtherCAT), which automatically reads all connected devices and boxes and integrates them into the structure (see diagram):

On the E-bus side, the EL6695 can be seen as a “Terminal” in the terminal segment. Via the RJ45 connection it is represented as a “Box” in the configuration (cf. EtherCAT slave). The initial state of the EL6695 bridge terminal after reading/creation is:
- Free Run => DC support disabled
- No process data variables preconfigured
- No distributed clocks information