FoE – Filetransfer over EtherCAT
FoE – Filetransfer over EtherCAT
Essentially, this is to enable data access via two referenced memory areas of the respective participating masters (PLCs). The data can be transported from the primary side (E-bus side) to secondary side (RJ45 connection) or vice versa as a type of stream.
The maximum size per memory is 32768 bytes.
Processing in the EL6695 depends on the EtherCAT status:
- BOOT: FoE is used for the local FW update
- all other states (INIT, PreOP, SafeOP, OP): depending on the CoE password
- no password: FoE forward to the remote site
- with password: local saving depending on the password. Special functions are thus served.
FoE request / no password The FoE request must be accepted and served by the opposite side. The TwinCAT versions (3.10 b4014 and 2.11 b2245) do not support this. The mailbox size must be identical on both sides. |
Buffered FoE operating mode
Different mailbox sizes are permissible if the setting of [MASK_BUFFER_FOE] = bit 8 in the object 0xF800 (Device Config), subindex 02.