• AS-i requirements
The industry places many different demands on modern automation systems. It demands that the necessary functions are fulfilled at an optimum price-performance ratio. AS-Interface, or AS-i for short, does precisely that. The system is focused on the lower field level. The goal of the development was not a universal fieldbus for all areas of automation, but rather an economically practical system for the lower field level, with which binary sensors and actuators can be simply, reliably and economically networked and connected to the higher control level.
The sensors and actuators can be networked and supplied with power via the AS-i-specific twin-core cable. The cable harnesses of traditional cabling are dispensed with. A massive cost reduction due to the simple wiring, which is possible without extensive training thanks to the proven click-and-go technology. Due to its cost effectiveness the AS-Interface system proves to be a technically and economically practical supplement to the normal fieldbus.
The freely selectable network topology and its simple configuration facilitate the installation of an AS-i network. The susceptibility to faults of other systems frequently leads to delays in the installation, for which reason care was taken with the AS-Interface system to reduce sources of error. Reverse voltage protection by means of the profiled cable is just one corresponding measure.