
Serial Interface Terminal (RS232C/RS422/RS485), 1 channel
The EL6001 and EL6021 serial interfaces enable the connection of devices with RS-232 or RS422/RS485 interface. The EL6001 operates in conformity with the CCITT V.28/DIN 66 259-1 standards.
The device connected to the EL6001 EtherCAT Terminal communicates with the automation device via the coupler. The active communication channel operates independently of the higher-level bus system in full duplex mode or selectable half duplex mode (EL6021) at up to 115.2 kbaud.
The RS232 interface guarantees high immunity to interference through electrically isolated signals, which is additionally guaranteed for the EL6021 through differential signal transmission.
In conjunction with the TwinCAT Virtual Serial COM Driver (see TwinCAT Supplements - Communication) the EL6001/EL6021 can be used as a normal Windows COM interface.