Settings via the CoE directory

Further settings can be selected in the CoE list (CAN over EtherCAT) depending on the PDO selection.

Settings via the CoE directory 1:

Parameterization via the CoE list (CAN over EtherCAT)

Please note the following general CoE information when using/manipulating the CoE parameters:

  • Keep a startup list if components have to be replaced
  • Differentiation between online/offline dictionary, existence of current XML description
  • CoE-Reload” for resetting the changes
Settings via the CoE directory 2:
EL5151-0021 CoE directory

The online data are accessible (A) if the terminal is online, i.e. connected to the EtherCAT Master TwinCAT and in an error-free RUN state (WorkingCounter = 0). The entries can be changed online in ENC Settings (index 0x8000) (B).

The input data can be read under ENC Inputs (index 0x6000 und index 0x6001) (C).
The output data can be read under ENC Outputs (index 0x7000) (D).
The display in TwinCAT is continuously updated if (E) has been activated.