Process data
Illustration of the process data and structural contents
The EL5151-0021 provides three different process data objects (PDO) for transmission:
- ENC Status (index 0x1A00) contains:
- 16-bit status information,
- 32-bit counter value,
- 32-bit latch value.
- ENC Filtered Latch (index 0x1A01) contains:
- a 32-bit latch value for the rising edge and another for the falling edge (measured values from the workpiece measurement).
- ENC Control (index 0x1600) contains:
- 8-bit control data,
- a 32-bit value for setting the counter value,
- a 32-bit value for Switch on threshold value and another for Switch off threshold value, for setting the output via the compare function.

The plain text display of the bit meanings is particularly helpful not only in commissioning, but also for linking to the PLC program.
By right-clicking on the Status variable in the configuration tree (A), the structure can be opened for linking (B).
Activation of the Show Sub Variables button (C) displays all subvariables and links to the PLC (D) in the online view.