Overflow and underflow of the counter limits

Counter overflow and Counter underflow

An overflow or underflow of the counter limits is indicated by the process data 0x6000:04 "Counter underflow" or 0x6000:05 "Counter overflow".

Example 1:

0x8001:1A "Limit counter value" = 212-1 = 4095

0x8001:1B "Reset counter value" = 0

"Counter underflow" bit is reset when: 2/3 * 4095 = 2730 is reached.

"Counter overflow" bit is reset when: 1/3 * 4095 = 1365 is reached.

Example 2:

0x8001:1A "Limit counter value" = 212-1 = 4095

0x8001:1B "Reset counter value" = 400

"Counter underflow" bit is reset when: 2/3 * (4095-400) +400 = 2463 is reached.

"Counter overflow" bit is reset when: 1/3 * (4095-95) +400 = 1232 is reached.