Push-pull mode

The output circuit is optimized for fast signal output, even at higher currents. To this end, each output has a push-pull output stage that actively switches to 24 V and 0 V. The pull stage reduces the output to 1.2 V.
If a 0 V level is explicitly required, this must be implemented via an external load.
The push and pull stages are overcurrent and short circuit protected. The edge steepness of the output is 1 µs/24 V (typ.). The following table shows the output characteristics:

Technical data

Push mode

Pull mode

Switching times

TON: 3 µs typ.

TOFF: 4 µs typ.

Output current per channel

0.5 A

0.15 A

Load type

ohmic, inductive, lamp load

The power supply of the terminal should be dimensioned according to the power requirements of the connected actuators. The power supply lines, power supply unit and actuator lines should be suitably short or generous respectively.


Switching behavior of the output when switching with a PLC variable

If the output is switched via a PLC variable, the delays caused by the PLC cycle time must also be taken into account in addition to the TON/TOFF.