
The "micro-increments" function offers the option to interpolate additional increments between the counted encoder increments and thus increase the resolution of the counter value.

Functional principle of micro-increments

The following figure illustrates the functional principle of micro-increments. It is based on the interpolation of increments (orange) within real measured encoder increments (blue). To simplify the display, only four micro-increments are shown between the encoder increments. The current velocity is measured based on the internal period value measurement, and the micro-increments are interpolated accordingly. The interpolation resolution is 8 bits, which corresponds to 256 values. The counter value with micro-increments comes close to the real axis position. This is particularly useful at slow velocities, since an encoder with low resolution becomes a high-resolution axis encoder when micro-increments are enabled.


1024 lines * 4-fold evaluation * 256 micro-increments = 1,048,567 lines

Micro-increments 1:
Functional principle of micro-increments
Micro-increments 2:

DC mode for micro-increments

In order to be able to use the micro-increments function in a meaningful way, the terminal should be operated in "DC synchron" or "DC synchron (input based)" mode. Due to the distributed clocks technology the counter value is determined in a cyclically constant manner.

Microincrements sequence