Integer scaler (only when using PDO SINT16)
It may be useful to output analog values slightly beyond the nominal output range AEWnom, e.g. to compensate for power losses or to transport diagnostic information. For this reason, the optional Extended Range "107%" has been introduced in Beckhoff analog channels (support depends on the device). The definition for 16 bits is as follows:

- Index 80nD:12 = Extended Range Range (default setting)
The channel operates up to the technical output range AEWtechn, which is approx. 107% of the nominal output range.
For the Extended Range, 16-bit SINT PDO (16 bits + sign) is the nominal. AEW= 100%, the PDO value ±30518 (0x7736) has been set. Accordingly, the displayable output range now extends to 0x7FFF = 32767 ~ 107.37% of the nominal output range. - Index 80nD:12 = Legacy Range
The channel operates up to 100% of the nominal output range.
Accordingly, 0x7FFF = 32767 is to be interpreted as 100% of the nominal AEW.

Depending on the interface, this means the conversion SINT16 -> Real32 in the controller:
Output range ±10 V (bipolar)

Output range 0...10 V (unipolar)

Output range ±20 mA (bipolar)

Output range 0...20 mA (current loop)

Output range 4...20 mA (current loop)