Integer scaler (only when using PDO SINT16)

The optional extended range "107%" has been introduced for Beckhoff analog channels in order to be able to measure slightly above the nominal full scale value (FSVnom) of e.g. 10 V or 20 mA for commissioning and diagnostic purposes (support depends on the device). Then the channel actually measures up to a defined technical full scale value FSVtechn which is slightly higher than the nominal full scale value FSVnom.

The definition for 16 bits is as follows:

Integer scaler (only when using PDO SINT16) 1:
Defined resolution, 16-bit


Integer scaler (only when using PDO SINT16) 2:
Setting Index 80nD:12, Legacy Range, Extended Range

Depending on the interface, this then means SINT16 -> Real32 for the conversion in the controller (if the over/underrange PDO is set to the default setting):

Measuring range ±10 V (bipolar)

Integer scaler (only when using PDO SINT16) 3:
Measuring range ±10 V

Measuring range 0...10 V (unipolar)

Integer scaler (only when using PDO SINT16) 4:
Measuring range 0...10 V (unipolar)

Measuring range ±20 mA (bipolar)

Integer scaler (only when using PDO SINT16) 5:
Measuring range ±20 mA (bipolar)

Measuring range 0...20 mA (current loop)

Integer scaler (only when using PDO SINT16) 6:
Measuring range 0...20 mA (current loop)

Measuring range 4...20 mA (current loop)

Integer scaler (only when using PDO SINT16) 7:
Measuring range 4...20 mA (current loop)

Measuring range 4...20 mA, NAMUR NE43 (current loop)

Integer scaler (only when using PDO SINT16) 8:
Measuring range 4...20 mA, NAMUR NE43 (current loop)