Process data


This section describes the individual PDOs and their content. In each case only the first channel is described. The second channel is analogous. The individual PDOs can be activated or deactivated separately in the TwinCAT System Manager. The "Process data" tab is used for this (visible only if the terminal is selected on the left).

Process data 1:
Screenshot of System Manager, Process data

Fig. Screenshot of System Manager, Process data, left, shows the EL3692 with expanded process data, variables of channel 1 are highlighted in red. On the right the process data selection is highlighted in red.

Name of the PDO

Data direction

PDO number channel 1

PDO number channel 2

SAI Inputs




SAI Range




SAI Inputs Real




SAI Range




Table 1: PDO/channel numbers

Process data 2:

Measured value display

The EL3692 can output the current channel-based measured value depending on the PDO option "Predefined PDO assignment" in 2 different ways. As "fixpoint" and "float". See following explanation:

Input resistance

32-bit value, right-aligned display


Status bits

0 Ω

x00 00 00 00


Extended Range = 0
Overrange = 0

10 Ω

x00 7F FF FF


Extended Range = 1
Overrange = 0

> 11 Ω

x00 8C CC CB


Extended Range = 0
Overrange = 1

Please note that that the relative measuring error is very large near the lower end of the measuring range. For measurements within the range of less than 10% of the lower end of the measuring range the next lower measuring range should be used. The AutoRange function works accordingly.

Predefined PDO Assignment

To simplify the configuration typical configurations based on process data are stored in the EtherCAT XML Device Description. The predefined configurations can be selected in the process data overview. The function is therefore only available if the XML files on the system are current (available for download from the Beckhoff website). The following combinations are possible:

Process data 3:
Selection dialog predefined PDO
Process data 4:

Selection CoE/PDO mode

The EL3692 requires an instruction as to whether it should work with or without Autorange etc. This can be set via CoE or the process data (PDO). This distinction is therefore also made via the predefined PDO selection: If the control word is displayed as PDO, the EL3692 primarily responds to the cyclic instructions from the control word. See also Explanations.

SAI Inputs 0x1A00 (0x1A03)

This PDO contains the status data and the resistance of the terminal. The resistance value is issued as a 32-bit value. The terminal status is shown as WORD.



Position, size

Bit in status WORD

Status → Underrange

Value below measuring range.
Note: since each measuring range also measures up to 0 Ohm and there are no negative resistance values, this bit is never set.

0x6000:01, 1 bit


Status → Overrange

Measuring range exceeded.

0x6000:02, 1 bit


Status → Extended Range

Extended measuring range is used.

0x6000:03, 1 bit


Status → Data invalid

Input data are invalid.

0x6000:04, 1 bit


Status → Data invalid

No valid range selected.

0x6000:05, 1 bit


Status → Autorange disabled

The Autorange function is disabled.

0x6000:06, 1 bit


Status → Error

The error bit is set if the value is invalid (wire breakage, overrange, underrange)

0x6000:07, 1 bit


Status → Steady state

If the last four values are no more than x / 1024 of end value apart, the "Steady state" bit is set to TRUE

0x6000:09, 1 bit


Status → TxPDO State

Validity of the data of the associated TxPDO (0 = valid, 1 = invalid).

0x6000:0F, 1 bit


Status → TxPDO Toggle

The TxPDO toggle is toggled by the slave when the data of the associated TxPDO is updated.

0x6000:10, 1 bit



Current measured value as INT32, measuring range end = 0x7F FF FF (standard)

0x6000:11, 4 bytes


Table 2: Process data 0x1A00

Example Program: Decomposition of WORDS into bits.

SAI Inputs 0x1A01 (0x1A04)

This PDO contains information on the selected measuring mode and the current range. The two values are also available within a settings WORD.



Position, size


Current measuring mode:
0: 4-wire measurement
1: 4-wire measurement, single-shot mode
2: 2-wire measurement
3: 2-wire measurement, single-shot mode

0x6001:05, 4 bit


Current measuring range
(lower value is decisive for autorange operation):
-1: 10 mΩ - 100 mΩ
 0: 100 mΩ - 1 Ω
 1: 1 Ω - 10 Ω
 2: 10 Ω - 100 Ω
 3: 100 Ω - 1 kΩ
 4: 1 kΩ - 10 kΩ
 5: 10 kΩ - 100 kΩ
 6: 100 kΩ - 1 MΩ
 7: 1 MΩ - 10 MΩ

0x6001:09, 1 byte

Table 3: Process data 0x1A01

SAI Inputs 0x1A02 (0x1A05)

This PDO contains the current measured value as REAL value. The format matches the REAL format from the TwinCAT PLC Control.

The format matches the REAL format of IEC 61131-3, which in turn is based on the REAL format of IEC 559. A REAL number (single precision) is defined as follows (See also Beckhoff InfoSys: TwinCAT PLC Control: standard data types).

Bit position (from left)



23 (+1 "hidden bit", see IE559)





Table 4: Structure of the REAL value



Position, size


Current measured value as REAL

0x6002:01, 4 bytes

Table 5: Process data 0x1A02

SAI Inputs 0x1600 (0x1601)

The terminal can be controlled via this PDO. The data are also available as Control WORD.



Position, size

Bit in Control WORD

Control → Disable autorange

Request to disable Autorange.

0x6000:01, 1 bit


Control → Start conversion

Measurement request (rising edge), only required in single shot mode.

0x6000:04, 1 bit


Control → Mode

Current measuring mode:
0: 4-wire measurement
1: 4-wire measurement, single-shot mode
2: 2-wire measurement
3: 2-wire measurement, single-shot mode

0x6001:05, 4 bit

CW.4 - CW.7

Control → Range

Current measuring range
(lower value is decisive for autorange operation):
-1: 10 mΩ - 100 mΩ
 0: 100 mΩ - 1 Ω
 1: 1 Ω - 10 Ω
 2: 10 Ω - 100 Ω
 3: 100 Ω - 1 kΩ
 4: 1 kΩ - 10 kΩ
 5: 10 kΩ - 100 kΩ
 6: 100 kΩ - 1 MΩ
 7: 1 MΩ - 10 MΩ

0x6001:09, 1 byte

CW.8 - CW.15

Table 6: Process data 0x1600

Example Program: Decomposition of WORDS into bits.