Restoring the delivery state

To restore the delivery state (factory settings) of CoE objects for EtherCAT devices (“slaves”), the CoE object Restore default parameters, SubIndex 001 can be used via EtherCAT master (e.g. TwinCAT) (see Fig. Selecting the Restore default parameters PDO).

Restoring the delivery state 1:Fig.172: Selecting the Restore default parameters PDO
Restoring the delivery state 2:Fig.173: Entering a restore value in the Set Value dialog

Double-click on SubIndex 001 to enter the Set Value dialog. Enter the reset value 1684107116 in field Dec or the value 0x64616F6C in field Hex (ASCII: “load”) and confirm with OK (Fig. Entering a restore value in the Set Value dialog).

All backup objects are reset to the delivery state.

Restoring the delivery state 3:

Alternative restore value

In some older terminals (FW creation approx. before 2007) the backup objects can be switched with an alternative restore value: Decimal value: 1819238756, Hexadecimal value: 0x6C6F6164.

An incorrect entry for the restore value has no effect.