Sync Manager

The scope of the process data offered can be viewed on the "Process data" tab.

The following figures show an example of the assigned input process data objects (PDO) of the sync manager (SM3) of the EL3423.

Sync Manager 1:
Process Data tab SM3, example EL3423

Predefined PDO Assignment

The "Predefined PDO Assignment" enables a simplified selection of the process data. The desired function is selected on the lower part of the Process Data tab. As a result, all necessary PDOs are automatically enabled and the unnecessary PDOs are disabled.

The following PDO assignments for the EL34xx are available:



SM2, PDO assignment

SM3, PDO assignment

3 Phase


0x1A00 (L1 Status)
0x1A03 (L1 Energy)

0x1A0A (L2 Status)
0x1A0D (L2 Energy)

0x1A14 (L3 Status)
0x1A17 (L3 Energy)

0x1A1E (Total Status)
0x1A20 (Total Advanced)

0x1A29 (Total Active Reduced)
0x1A2A (Total Apparent Reduced)
0x1A2B (Total reactive Reduced)



0x1A06 (L1 Statistic Voltage)
0x1A08 (L1 Statistic Power)

0x1A10 (L2 Statistic Voltage)
0x1A12 (L2 Statistic Power)

0x1A1A (L3 Statistic Voltage)
0x1A1C (L3 Statistic Power)

0x1A1E (Total Status)

0x1A26 (Total Statistic Power)
0x1A27 (Total Statistic PQF)
0x1A28 (Total Interval Energy)

Single Phase


0x1A00 (L1 Status)
0x1A03 (L1 Energy)

0x1A1E (Total Status)
0x1A20 (Total Advanced)

0x1A29 (Total Active Reduced)
0x1A2A (Total Apparent Reduced)
0x1A2B (Total reactive Reduced)

Total only


0x1A1E (Total Status)
0x1A20 (Total Advanced)

0x1A26 (Total Statistic Power)
0x1A27 (Total Statistic PQF)
0x1A29 (Total Active Reduced)
0x1A2A (Total Apparent Reduced)
0x1A2B (Total reactive Reduced)
0x1A2C (Total Interval Energy Reduced)



SM2, PDO assignment

SM3, PDO assignment



0x1A00 (L1 Status)
0x1A01 (L1 Basic)
0x1A02 (L1 Power)
0x1A04 (L1 Timing)

0x1A0A (L2 Status)
0x1A0B (L2 Basic)
0x1A0C (L2 Power)
0x1A0E (L2 Timing)

0x1A14 (L3 Status)
0x1A15 (L3 Basic)
0x1A16 (L3 Power)
0x1A18 (L3 Timing)

0x1A1E (Total Status)
0x1A1F (Total Basic)
0x1A21 (Total Active)
0x1A24 (Total L-L Voltage)

Default + Variant

0x1600 (Total Variant Value Out)

0x1A00 (L1 Status)
0x1A01 (L1 Basic)
0x1A02 (L1 Power)
0x1A04 (L1 Timing)

0x1A0A (L2 Status)
0x1A0B (L2 Basic)
0x1A0C (L2 Power)
0x1A0E (L2 Timing)

0x1A14 (L3 Status)
0x1A15 (L3 Basic)
0x1A16 (L3 Power)
0x1A18 (L3 Timing)

0x1A1E (Total Status)
0x1A1F (Total Basic)
0x1A25 (Total Variant Value In)



0x1A00 (L1 Status)
0x1A01 (L1 Basic)
0x1A02 (L1 Power)
0x1A03 (L1 Energy)
0x1A04 (L1 Timing)

0x1A0A (L2 Status)
0x1A0B (L2 Basic)
0x1A0C (L2 Power)
0x1A0D (L2 Energy)
0x1A0E (L2 Timing)

0x1A14 (L3 Status)
0x1A15 (L3 Basic)
0x1A16 (L3 Power)
0x1A17 (L3 Energy)
0x1A18 (L3 Timing)

0x1A1E (Total Status)
0x1A1F (Total Basic)
0x1A20 (Total Advanced)
0x1A21 (Total Active)

Total Only

0x1600 (Total Variant Value Out)

0x1A00 (L1 Status)

0x1A0A (L2 Status)

0x1A14 (L3 Status)

0x1A1E (Total Status)
0x1A1F (Total Basic)
0x1A20 (Total Advanced)

0x1A24 (Total L-L Voltage)
0x1A25 (Total Variant Value In)
0x1A26 (Total Statistic Power)
0x1A27 (Total Statistic PQF)

0x1A29 (Total Active Reduced)
0x1A2A (Total Apparent Reduced)
0x1A2B (Total Reactive Reduced)


0x1600 (Total Variant Value Out)

0x1A00 (L1 Status)
0x1A09 (L1 Classic)

0x1A0A (L2 Status)
0x1A13 (L2 Classic)

0x1A14 (L3 Status)
0x1A1D (L3 Classic)

0x1A1E (Total Status)

0x1A25 (Total Variant Value In)

Single Phase

0x1600 (Total Variant Value Out)
0x1601 (Total Interval)

0x1A00 (L1 Status)
0x1A01 (L1 Basic)
0x1A02 (L1 Power)
0x1A03 (L1 Energy)
0x1A04 (L1 Timing)
0x1A06 (L1 Statistic Voltage)

0x1A1E (Total Status)
0x1A1F (Total Basic)
0x1A25 (Total Variant Value In)
0x1A28 (Total Interval Energy)


0x1600 (Total Outputs Device)
0x1601 (Total Interval)

0x1A00 (L1 Status)

0x1A0A (L2 Status)

0x1A14 (L3 Status)

0x1A1E (Total Status)

0x1A25 (Total Variant Value In)

0x1A2D (DPM Data)



SM2, PDO assignment

SM3, PDO assignment

Current only


0x1A01 (I1 Current)
0x1A03 (I2 Current)
0x1A05 (I3 Current)
0x1A07 (I4 Current)
0x1A09 (I5 Current)
0x1A0B (I6 Current)



0x1A00 (I1 Channel)
0x1A02 (I2 Channel)
0x1A04 (I3 Channel)
0x1A06 (I4 Channel)
0x1A08 (I5 Channel)
0x1A0A (I6 Channel)

0x1A0C (DPM Variant Value In)



SM2, PDO assignment

SM3, PDO assignment



0x1A00 (L1 Status)
0x1A01 (L1 Basic)
0x1A02 (L1 Power)

0x1A0C (L2 Status)
0x1A0D (L2 Basic)
0x1A0E (L2 Power)

0x1A18 (L3 Status)
0x1A19 (L3 Basic)
0x1A1A (L3 Power)

0x1A24 (Total Status)
0x1A25 (Total Basic)

Default + Variant

0x1600 (Total Variant Value Out)

0x1A00 (L1 Status)
0x1A01 (L1 Basic)
0x1A02 (L1 Power)

0x1A0C (L2 Status)
0x1A0D (L2 Basic)
0x1A0E (L2 Power)

0x1A18 (L3 Status)
0x1A19 (L3 Basic)
0x1A1A (L3 Power)

0x1A24 (Total Status)
0x1A25 (Total Basic)
0x1A2E (Total Variant Value In)



0x1A00 (L1 Status)
0x1A01 (L1 Basic)
0x1A02 (L1 Power)
0x1A07 (L1 Advanced)

0x1A0C (L2 Status)
0x1A0D (L2 Basic)
0x1A0E (L2 Power)
0x1A13 (L2 Advanced)

0x1A18 (L3 Status)
0x1A19 (L3 Basic)
0x1A1A (L3 Power)
0x1A1F (L3 Advanced)

0x1A24 (Total Status)
0x1A25 (Total Basic)
0x1A26 (Total Advanced)

Total Only

0x1600 (Total Variant Value Out)

0x1A00 (L1 Status)

0x1A0C (L2 Status)

0x1A18 (L3 Status)

0x1A24 (Total Status)
0x1A25 (Total Basic)
0x1A26 (Total Advanced)

0x1A2E (Total Variant Value In)

0x1A36 (Total Active Reduced)
0x1A37 (Total Apparent Reduced)
0x1A38 (Total Reactive Reduced)


0x1600 (Total Variant Value Out)

0x1A00 (L1 Status)
0x1A0B (L1 Classic)

0x1A0C (L2 Status)
0x1A17 (L2 Classic)

0x1A18 (L3 Status)
0x1A23 (L3 Classic)

0x1A24 (Total Status)

0x1A2E (Total Variant Value In)

Single Phase

0x1600 (Total Variant Value Out)
0x1601 (Total Interval)

0x1A00 (L1 Status)
0x1A01 (L1 Basic)
0x1A02 (L1 Power)
0x1A06 (L1 Timing)
0x1A07 (L1 Advanced)

0x1A24 (Total Status)


0x1600 (Total Variant Value Out)
0x1601 (Total Interval)

0x1A00 (L1 Status)
0x1A01 (L1 Basic)
0x1A02 (L1 Power)

0x1A0C (L2 Status)
0x1A0D (L2 Basic)
0x1A0E (L2 Power)

0x1A18 (L3 Status)
0x1A19 (L3 Basic)
0x1A1A (L3 Power)

0x1A24 (Total Status)
0x1A25 (Total Basic)

0x1A2E (Total Variant Value In)

0x1A3A (DPM Data)



SM2, PDO-Zuordnung

SM3, PDO-Zuordnung



0x1A00 (L1 Status)

0x1A0A (L2 Status)

0x1A14 (L3 Status)

0x1A20 (Total Advanced)

Single Phase


0x1A00 (L1 Status)

0x1A1E (Total Status)
0x1A20 (Total Advanced)

Sync Manager 2:

Manual selection of the input PDO (SM3)

When manually compiling the PDO, care must be taken that no more than 238 bytes of input PDO are selected. The output PDOs are not subject to any restrictions and may always be selected completely.

Notes on the TxPDO toggle bits

The TxPDO toggle bits indicate that new data is available for the respective measured values:




PDO assignment | PDO


PDO assignment | PDO

L1 Status

1A00:09 | 0x6010:10

L1 Status

1A00:09 | 0x6010:10

L2 Status

1A0A:09 | 0x6010:10

L2 Status

1A0A:09 | 0x6010:10

L3 Status

1A14:09 | 0x6020:10

L3 Status

1A14:09 | 0x6020:10

L1 Advanced


L1 Advanced

1A05:02 | 0x6007:10

L2 Advanced


L2 Advanced

1A0F:02 | 0x6017:10

L3 Advanced


L3 Advanced

1A19:02 | 0x6027:10

Total Interval Energy


Total Interval Energy

1A28:02 | 0xF60D:10




PDO assignment | PDO


PDO assignment | PDO

L1 Status

1A00:0B | 0x6010:10

L1 Status

1A00:09 | 0x6010:10

L2 Status

1A0C:0B | 0x6010:10

L2 Status

1A0A:09 | 0x6010:10

L3 Status

1A18:0B | 0x6020:10

L3 Status

1A14:09 | 0x6020:10

L1 Advanced

1A07:02 | 0x6007:10

L1 Advanced


L2 Advanced

1A13:02 | 0x6017:10

L2 Advanced


L3 Advanced

1A1F:02 | 0x6027:10

L3 Advanced


Total Interval Energy

1A31:02 | 0xF60D:10

Total Interval Energy
