Scaling factors

If no floating point numbers can be used, the EL3443 can be operated in "Classic" mode, in which only integer values are transferred. The following overview shows the scaling factors required to calculate the actual values from the raw process data values.
If the transformer ratios are not stored in the terminal memory, they must also be subsequently calculated in the PLC.
If the transformer ratios are stored in the CoE (Index 80n0 PMX Settings) of the terminal, these can be skipped as scaling factors in the PLC.

Scaling factors for the "Classic" mode of the EL3443-00xx




Raw values x 0.0001 A x current transformer ratio


Raw values x 0.001 V x voltage transformer ratio

Active power

Raw values x 0.001 W x current and voltage transformer ratio

Apparent power

Raw values x 0.001 VA x current and voltage transformer ratio

Reactive power

Raw values x 0.001 VA x current and voltage transformer ratio


Raw values x 0.001 Wh x current and voltage transformer ratio


Raw values x 0.001 Hz