EL3314 - Configuration data
Index 80n0 TC Settings (for Ch. 1 - 4 (0 ≤ n ≤ 3))
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
80n0:0 | TC Settings | Max. Subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x19 (25dec) |
80n0:01 | Enable user scale | User scaling is active. | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
80n0:02 | Presentation | 0: Signed presentation, 0.1 °C/digit (default) 1: Absolute value with MSB as sign (signed amount representation), 0.1 °C/digit 2: High resolution, 0.01 °C/digit | BIT3 | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
80n0:05 | Siemens bits | The S5 bits are shown in the three low-order bits as status display. | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
80n0:06 | Enable filter | This setting generally activates the basic filters in object 0x80n0:15. In the EL33xx these are technically realized in the ADC and can therefore not be switched off, even if they are set to "disabled" in the object. | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
80n0:07 | Enable limit 1 | Limit 1 enabled | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
80n0:08 | Enable limit 2 | Limit 2 enabled | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
80n0:0A | Enable user calibration | Enabling of the user calibration | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
80n0:0B | Enable vendor calibration | Enabling of the vendor calibration | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
80n0:0C | Coldjunction compensation | 0: internal (default) 1: no 2: Extern process data [1/10 °C] | BIT2 | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
80n0:0E | Disable wire break detection | 0: Wire break detection is enabled | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
80n0:11 | User scale offset | User scaling offset Adjustable values: -32768…32767 | INT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) |
80n0:12 | User scale gain | Gain of the user scaling Adjustable values: -2147483648…2147483647 | INT32 | RW | 0x00010000 (65536dec) |
80n0:13 | Limit 1 | First limit value for setting the status bits (resolution 0.1 °C) Adjustable values: -32768…32767 | INT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) |
80n0:14 | Limit 2 | Second limit value for setting the status bits (resolution 0.1 °C) Adjustable values: -32768…32767 | INT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) |
80n0:15 | Filter settings | This object determines the basic digital filter settings. | UINT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) |
0: 50 Hz |
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
80n0:17 | User calibration offset | User calibration offset | INT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) |
80n0:18 | User calibration gain | User calibration gain | UINT16 | RW | 0xFFFF (65535dec) |
80n0:19 | TC element | Thermocouple (Implemented temperature range) or measured variable | UINT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) |
0: Type: K -200 °C to 1370 °C 100: ± 30 mV (1 µV resolution) |