Limit 1 and Limit 2 (not for EL3318)

Limit 1 (Index 0x80n0:13) and Limit 2, , (Index 0x80n0:14)

The Limit function is enabled via index 0x80n0:07 "Enable Limit 1" and index 0x80n0:08 "Enable Limit 2".

A temperature range can be set that is limited by the values in the indices 0x80n0:13 "Limit 1" and 0x80n0:14 "Limit 2".

When the limits are exceeded, the bits in the indices 0x60n03 "Limit 1" and 0x60n05 "Limit 2" are set to 1.

The temperature value is entered with a resolution of 0.1 °C.


Limit 1= 30 °C
Value Index 0x80n0:13 = 300