Settings and application notes for EL3201/2-0010/-0020/-0030

Settings and application notes for EL3201/2-0010/-0020/-0030 1:

Commissioning EL32xx-xxxx

The basic EL32xx-xxxx notes in chapter "EL32xx settings" must be observed.

The EL3201/EL3202 series is designed for temperature or resistance measurement

Notes regarding EL3201/2-0010/-0020/-0030 series (high-precision)

Due to special features in hardware and firmware, the mentioned terminals are able to measure the resistance value and thus, if necessary, the temperature with high accuracy. Please note:

Settings and application notes for EL3201/2-0010/-0020/-0030 2:

Increased accuracy EL320x-0010/-0020/-0030

In the case of the high-precision terminals the settings in the object 0x80n0 / RTD-Settings may not be changed! The high-precision resistance measurement/temperature measurement can only be performed in the range 10... 220 ohm, this corresponds to a Pt100 measuring range of -200 ... 320°C.

In order to be able to display the high accuracy, the 0.01°C/digit presentation is preset. The increased accuracy of the EL320x-00x0 is therefore only valid for the following settings:

• Resistance measurement or Pt100 characteristic curve (0.00385 Ω/Ω/°C, IEC60751 characteristic curve Pt385) – other characteristic curve without guarantee!
• Ambient temperature: see table of technical data
• 4-wire connection technology
• Measuring range -200 to 320°C
• 50 Hz filter

Temperatures or resistances outside the above-mentioned range cannot be measured with high accuracy. If these basic values are not maintained, the high-precision terminal behaves like a terminal with standard accuracy.

To ensure that the measurements are also carried out with the desired increased accuracy in the long term, regular checking of the measuring accuracy is recommended, e. g. annually. Ageing effects or environmental influences can then be compensated by recalibration (user calibration).

Default/factory setting

CoE Index

(standard accuracy)

(increased accuracy)

0x80n0:1A (connection technology)

  • 2-wire connection
  • All channels enabled

for EL3214 and EL3218:

  • 3-wire connection
  • All channels enabled
  • 4-wire connection
    The connection type is not detected automatically.
  • All channels enabled

0x80n00:19 (RTD element)

  • Pt100 (-200 … 850°C)
  • Pt100
    Measurements take place in a reduced measuring range of -200 ... 320°C or an equivalent resistance range.
    • The type label "Pt100 (-200 ... 850°C)" indicates the usual measuring range of a Pt100 element

0x80n00:02 (Presentation)

  • Signed
    The temperature is displayed with 1/10°C per digit (signed).
  • HighResolution
    The temperature is displayed with 1/100°C per digit (signed).

0x80n00:07/08 (Enable Limit 1/2)

if present

    Limits disabled

for EL3214 and EL3218:

  • No limit function available
    Limits disabled

0x8000:15 (Filter settings)

  • 50 Hz Filter enabled
  • 50 Hz Filter enabled

Area of application

(standard accuracy)

(increased accuracy)

The terminal is calibrated in the measuring range "1/16 Ω" (10 Ω ... 4 kΩ) and can be used in this resistance range.

It provides a normal measurement uncertainty in a wide ambient temperature range, see specification.

The high-precision version is calibrated in the measuring range "1/64 Ω" (10 Ω ... 1 kΩ) and over a measuring range of 18 ... 220 Ω and should only be used in this range or for Pt100 measurements.

It provides a comparatively lower measurement uncertainty in the temperature range of a standard switch cabinet environment, see specification.