Firmware explanation

Determining the firmware version

Determining the version via the TwinCAT System Manager

The TwinCAT System Manager shows the version of the controller firmware if the master can access the slave online. Click on the E-Bus Terminal whose controller firmware you want to check (in the example terminal 2 (EL3204)) and select the tab CoE Online (CAN over EtherCAT).

Firmware explanation 1:

CoE Online and Offline CoE

Two CoE directories are available:
online: This is offered in the EtherCAT slave by the controller, if the EtherCAT slave supports this. This CoE directory can only be displayed if a slave is connected and operational.
offline: The EtherCAT Slave Information ESI/XML may contain the default content of the CoE. This CoE directory can only be displayed if it is included in the ESI (e.g. “Beckhoff EL5xxx.xml”).

The Advanced button must be used for switching between the two views.

In Fig. Display of EL3204 firmware version the firmware version of the selected EL3204 is shown as 03 in CoE entry 0x100A.

Firmware explanation 2:Fig.236: Display of EL3204 firmware version

In (A) TwinCAT 2.11 shows that the Online CoE directory is currently displayed. If this is not the case, the Online directory can be loaded via the Online option in Advanced Settings (B) and double-clicking on AllObjects.