Documentation Issue StatusVersionComment2.0Addition to EL3184 terminal inChapter “Product description”Chapter “Commissioning”/“Object description and parameterization”Chapter “Firmware compatibility”Chapter “Assembly and wiring” / “LEDs and connection”Subchapter “Note on power supply” added to chapter “Assembly and wiring”Chapter “Configuration of 0/4...20 mA differential inputs” deleted (replaced by I/O Analog Manual, chapter “Wiring of differential current inputs”)Chapter “NAMUR basic information“ deleted (replaced by I/O Analog Manual, chapter has the same name)Chapter “Commissioning” / “Notices on analog specifications” deleted (replaced by I/O Analog Manual, chapter has the same name)1.4Update chapter “Technical data”Update structureUpdate revision status1.3Update chapter “Technical data”Update chapter “Version identification of EtherCAT devices”Update chapter "Configuration of 0/4...20 mA differential inputs”Update structureUpdate NotesUpdate revision status1.2Update chapter “Commissioning”1.1Update chapter “Technical data”1.0Minor corrections, 1st public issue0.1Documentation for EL3182 (preliminary version)